Regarded as one of the best hack’n slashes of the moment, if not the best, Path of Exile connects the seasons and varies its content galore. Customization is almost limitless and if you want to make an archer shooting fireballs with his hands like a mage, you can. Hours and hours to slaughter monsters in perspective, enough to relax after a tiring day. What’s more, Path of Exile is free. Here are some tips for new players.

1) Don’t obsess over the speed others are clearing content, some prefer racing but there is no tangible reward except for bragging rights, just enjoy the ride.
2) Activate the default loot filter (or use a downloaded one like Neversink) in the options UI tab.
3) Plan out your skill tree early on, at least 60 points in advance so you don’t REGRET it later on (hehe).
4) Collect all currency items like chaos orbs, fusing orbs, transmutation orbs, including scrolls of wisdom and portal scrolls.
5) Try not to use most of the currency items (except the most common ones like transmutation, alteration, alchemy orbs and low tier essences) since you can use these items to purchase much better items from players.