Kliqqi Social Bookmarking - SwagTron T1 or SwagTron T3? How to choose a SwagTron hoverboard. - BEST HOVERBOARD BRANDS https://pligg.samweber.biz/story.php?title=swagtron-t1-or-swagtron-t3-how-to-choose-a-swagtron-hoverboard-best-hoverboard-brands Need to decide between the SwagTron T3 and the SwagTron T1? Well the price is certainly a deciding point with the SwagTron T3 being $100 more than the T1, but there are other considerations. This is the most comprehensive and well researched resource on the Internet for SwagTron hoverboards. Go and check it out! And remember, if you are planning to buy a hoverboard, make sure it is UL 2272 certified. Thu, 30 Jun 2016 03:03:52 UTC en