People seem to face a lot of problems in differentiating functional and non- functional testing. To eliminate misunderstandings and to proof check your knowledge,
Selenium Automation is considered as one of the easiest utilities that allow the users to record and write test results without mastering specific programming languages. Instead, it facilitates the testers to obtain reports in various popular programming scripts like Java, PHP, Ruby, C# and the like.
There is a range of questions - Do we select a free and open source tool? Do we go with an enterprise automated test framework? How do I know this will work with my technology stack? The answers aren't always easy to get.
So you are ready to launch your new gaming application but are you sure if it is going to be received by the real, targeted people?
The term Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) has been taking the web by a storm and has become really important for the businesses to ensure that sales targets are achieved constantly.
Testers will be a part of the development teams: Test Engineers will need to work more and more time directly with the programmers which will increase the communication and the interaction between the testers and programmers.
A/B testing is basically about comparing two versions of a web page to see which one performs better. You can display two variants of your website to the visitors at the same time, and the one that fetches more pertinent conversions can then be capped as the winner.
Cloud testing is a subsection of software testing in which real-world Web traffic is utilized to test cloud-based Web applications.